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Planning a Kayak Trip
  Like most trips, whether by air or by land, most people have a destination in mind. Getting there is part of the journey. There is always some sort of planning, and ensuring you have the right items packed along – as well as a few extra things you really
a kayak paddle - two blades at the end of a five foot long shaft
Understanding the construction of a paddle
The paddle is one of the more important items you will use while kayaking. An essential piece of equipment for propelling your kayak through the water, keeping you upright (either by bracing or with rolling), and aiding in your directional control. There are numerous varieties, designs, and materials of paddles
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The Paddler’s diary/log
A paddler’s ‘diary’ or ‘log’ book is a means in which one can keep track of your adventures on the water. It is a written account of your paddling and has detailed data (as much or as little as one wishes) of what you encounter. This information can be a
a group is near their sea kayaks on the sand, before the paddle on Lake Michigan
Three classifications of kayaks – and where they belong
There are three main types of kayak classifications. White Water, Recreational, and Sea kayaks. Within these classifications, there are sub classifications and variations of each boat design. However, I will be explaining what the three main types are, what type of water one should paddle these, and what unique attributes
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