So, you may have sat inside a kayak before, and perhaps held the paddle upside down, found yourself running into others or have little to no directional control. This session is intended for the amateur paddler who would like to increase their knowledge and expertise on the water. This 3 to 4 hour session will provide skills to maneuver your kayak around obstacles, how to properly hold your paddle and use it, ways to enter and exit your kayak, how to paddle properly.. and more.

Prerequisite for this class is a basic understanding about kayaking (getting in/out - how to paddle forward/stop/reverse, and stability in a kayak) - or completion of Kickstart your Kayak class. If concerned about your physical ability for this class, please read our EEC.  Class size will be limited to 5, unless otherwise noted.

Training will take place at a local, quiet, protected inland lake, or gentile river. Before hitting the water, there will be at least an hour's worth of classroom setting.

A complemental rental of kayaks, paddles, and PFD are included in the price - just let us know what size you need when you register.

In this session, you will understand and practice:

How to prepare yourself for your paddle trip

  • Methods to transport your kayak - on your vehicle/over land

  • Gear to make you safer on the water, and how to use it

  • Communication both on and off the water

  • Working with the paddle environment

  • Dressing for the conditions

Refining your paddle stroke

  • How to maximize body contact points

  • Understanding what a paddler's box is, and how to use your whole body to paddle (not just your arms)

  • Learn how using different angles of the blade will change the kayak direction

Kayak Razzle Dazzle

  • Learn how to lean – subtle body re-positioning = big results

  • Defining what edging can do for performance

  • Finding the balance point on the kayak

  • Understanding how to move your boat sideways with draws- in/out of water

  • Learning how braces provide momentary support, so you don't fall in

Getting wet

  • Trusting your PFD

  • Discover the skill of wet exits

  • Discover what self rescues looks like

Changing direction while on the go

  • Low brace turns

  • Stern rudder

Cost for the 4 hour session - $65/ per person

Minimum 2 people per session - Don't have two people to create a class? Be sure to check our public training sessions calendar for the next class.

Registration for any of our sessions is easier than ever. After clicking the 'Book Adventure' button, look for your preferred date/time from our booking software.

Book Adventure


Instructional how-to video showing the steps for booking.

Should you need a replacement educational handouts - majority of them are located on our webpage here