A family kayaking on the river at Waubedonia Park
The Waubeka two story historic mill, stands along the shoreline of the Milwaukee river.
A group of four enjoy sightseeing the Milwaukee river by kayak.
A mother and her two kids are sightseeing the Milwaukee river by kayak.
A couple kayaks during a nice warm day on a gentile river.tside Mequon
A group of three are getting ready to learn how to kayak in Grafton

Looking for a family fun adventure? We have something just for you - the Kayak Sampler. It is half the cost and time on water as many of the other trips, yet full of enjoyment and experience. The paddle pace is set by you.

The Kayak Sampler is a shortened paddle trip, at Waubedonia Park in Fredonia. This is a very quiet and easy paddle section of the Milwaukee river. If the river conditions are not favorable, we shall advise of alternative locations.

The events are two hours long (with about 15 minutes of on shore orientation). These are designed to offer an exploratory paddle experience along the shoreline. We shall be present on water with you to ensure safety and offer very basic paddle refinements to make your trip easier for you. This is not intended as a class or lesson like our other services we provide; however they'll be just as much fun!

A complemental rental of kayaks, paddles, and PFD are included in the price - just let us know what sizes you will need when you register.

2 Hour session $30/per person - Minimum 2 people

Registration for any of our sessions is easier than ever. After clicking the 'Book Adventure' button, look for your preferred date/time from our booking software.

Book Adventure

Instructional how-to video showing the steps for booking.